Meet Felicette, the First Cat in Space
Cats… in… SPAAAAAACE! I really like the image of a cat in a spacesuit, exploring the universe. In fact, I’m telling my cats all the time to get out there and get a job. And btw, it just occurred to me just how marginalized our kitty companions are. I remember reading about the first dog in space — Laika. But why are we just now learning about the first cat in space?!?! All right. I’m done with my two cents’ worth… for now.
Image: Felicette , Jim Cooke On October 18th, 1963, the Centre national d’études in France was set to send a small cat named Félix into space. After lagging behind its Soviet and American competitors, France was eager to stake its claim in the space race—with cats, for some reason. […]